Yesterday was an interesting day on the westcoast. It started off as a normal day, I sat on hold for 45 minutes waiting to talk to someone about summer school. I went to the gym, I cleaned up the house and I came home excited for a nice big veggie stir fry for lunch. Unfortunately my oven had a different idea in mind. I was wearing my coat and I guess i got too close to the gas flames and it caught on fire, I proceeded to yell a bit...ok A LOT and ran around my house before remembereing what i was taught in grade 2. I stopped, I dropped, and I rolled around. Thankfully my jacket was the only thing that got distroyed. I can imagine the burn from a gas fire wouldnt turn into a tan the next day the same way my tanning salon burn has. The rest of my day was good, I made dinner again, Spicy chicken, tomatoe and veggie paninis on fresh dough i cooked up first. They smelt great...I had a chicken salad, it was also great.
To be honest watching my familly eat last night wasn't as bad as the day before. They found a new way to annoy me.
Two years ago my parents started rowing, just in the spring, for a short season every year. They have started their season again and the topic over dinner always is, or comes back to rowing. I thought coming home I would be able to escape the wrath of the sport. Last night I had to endure a logn discussion involving my mom, who was stroking a 4x, splashing my dad, who was in 2 seat. Apparently she couldn't figure out why she was doing it. I told her to raise her eights if it is too low or to square up later. Frankly I felt like saying, "If you quit rowing, this wouldn't be a problem." i didn't say it though...I just thought very strongly about it, and pictured my life without it. Bliss.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Feeling in a happy mood over the past couple of days has motivated me to cook supper for my familly. Unfortunately "Healthy Eating" in my familly means eating more pasta than most people consume in a week, along with a side salad, to conpensate of course. Well I can say proudly that I have not touched the pasta. I made sure not to actually swallow the pasta, to test its firmness i put a piece in my mouth, mashed it around and spat it back out. Gross, I know. Then after rinsing my mouth out, I finished putting their dinner togther and put it out on the table for them. I served myself a small helping of chicken and tossed it into my giant salad. Then for the worst part, watching them eat. Now they all have very good manners, they dont talk with their mouths open, or chew too loudly, yet still when i see them shove giant helping of pasta into their mouths something inside me makes me want to leap across the table and knock all of their food on the floor. Whew, I'll be fine though, I figure if I avoid direct eye contact with the Carbohydrates i will be fine. I will be fine...
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