Sunday, August 16, 2009

Some Tasty Reasons To go Camping

So Camping can be lots of fun but all the beer and hot dogs can cause a fun trip to become a fat full festival. Here are some easy swaps to make so that you can have fun without worrying (and your friends won't even notice the difference).
So to Start off try to choose a camp site that allows for you to have daily fitness. Sites with Trails and Beaches are a great choices. Also for a little bit of extra activity offer to go get the firewood, the water and even accompany your friends for late night washroom visits (the great outdoors at night can be scary right?).
In the way of food, most food that people bring camping are non-perishable These tend to be high carb, high fat and high salt foods. So to avoid this try to bring fruits and veggies (think apples and bananas) that won't go bad if they aren't constantly refrigerated. Nuts and Seeds are also a great snack to bring along. Try to prepack them in portion controlled bags so you don't keep diving in for more.
For Protein think dried edamame (soy beans) and beef jerkey (try to go for the lower sodium type). If you have a cooler with you bring low fat hot dogs or turkey dogs that are not only yummy but are also fun to cook over the fire.
For a late night treat feel free to indulge in a couple of marshmallows, at only 25 calories each (for a large marshmallow) they won't do too much harm. Just leave the graham crackers and chocolate on the side.
Can't find time to go camping? Stick a couple turkey dogs on the BBQ and a marshmallow or two in the microwave and "VOILA!" a lovely at home camping meal...maybe add in a salad..or not ;)

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