Be Frugal
Be Fit, Be Fabulous and Of course, be frugal. Not cheap, no fabulous ladies are never cheap, but they are frugal. Splurge on things you really want, I'm still saving up for that Burburry Purse..sigh*. But, there are many ways we can save money and save a TON.
I've started printing off Nutrition and Fitness articles from online websites and clollecting them in duotangs (3 hole punched). When I go to the gym I like to read a magazine while I'm sweating away solo. So, To save myself about 5$ a magazine I just print articles right off the internet. Often magazines such as women's health will actually post their articles online anyways, so Why not save money and print off your own? Another benefit, no ads, and you pick and choose what you want. Enjoy!
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