Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This week's top picks

Here are some of my best tips/ favourite things this week:
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Workout why not kill two birds with one stone ? Next time the sun’s up and you feel like catching some rays get out ur towel and ur dumbbells and head out to pump some iron in your bathing suit. Combine squats and shoulder press for an entire body work out. Try plank and sit ups to get both sides bronzed and target that core.

Weightloss Tip - Get those ZZZ’s. My trainer made the comment that a main reason why people gain weight in university or when they frequently party is that they do not get enough sleep. What does sleep have to do with anything ? Well that is the rest time your body needs to produce GH (growth hormone) and recover. A big part of getting fit is adequate rest, where your body repairs itself by rebuilding muscles and burning that fat.

“Growth hormone (GH), a microscopic protein substance, is produced in the anterior section of the pituitary gland deep in the brain. It is a tissue-building hormone that causes growth, enacts repairs, mobilizes fat stores, and shifts the metabolism into high gear in the presence of amino acids. Chemically, it is somewhat similar to insulin, and is secreted in short pulses during the first hours of sleep and after exercise, but it remains in circulation for only a few minutes. The body binds most of the GH in the liver and converts some of it into another protein hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Although IGF-1 is not insulin, it acts like insulin as it promotes glucose transfer through cell membranes into the cell. More important, IGF-1 elicits most of the effects associated with GH.
GH is responsible for the development of lean body mass, bone density, and an efficient metabolism that diminishes the body's fat-storing capacity. During deep sleep, there is an increased secretion of GH. This is necessary for repairing and rebuilding body tissues such as muscle and bone. It also helps combat the negative effects of cortisol. Losing sleep, especially deep sleep, decreases GH levels. Since GH helps regulate the body's proportions of fat and muscle, less GH reduces our ability to lose fat and develop muscle. Muscle development is important for weight loss in that it is responsible for burning more calories, even at a resting heart rate. (Be aware that if a woman is testosterone-deficient, she will not be able to build muscle mass no matter how much she works out. Testosterone production relies on adequate levels of the hormone progesterone, as well as of cholesterol.)
** from:

Snack - This week I have been a big fan of berries ; black, raspberries, blueberries… they are a quick low carb/ low cal snack when you are in need of something sweet to kick that craving. I prefer blackberries because they are the sweetest. Also try blending up a berry- protein shake :

Use 1/2 cup egg whites, 1 cup frozen berries, 1/3 cup water, and if you like to add a smoother/ richer flavour add in a 100 g cup of source yogurt and blend. Total calories : 170.

Recipe - Best of the week so far is my morning omelet.
1 cup Egg Sensations cheese and chives egg whites
1/3 cup Kraft Shredded Cheese Mozza-Cheddar
3 slices Pillars lean bacon

Total calories : 260.
The trick is to cook the bacon (which you have to cut up into squares) first, then the cheese till it bubbles. Turn down the heat to med and add in your egg whites. YUM !

Best Song of the Week - by far is Montanita – by Ratatat ; it is excellence and summer wrapped into 5 minutes of awesome.

I don’t know how to add music to the blog as of right now. BUT here is the link :

I urge you to add it to your summer playlist.

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